Traffic Modeler 2.0 is released! (February 2020)
What is new?
• The B algorithm (Dial 2006, Nio 2010) was optimized and parallelized. Now the algorithm is written in Java. The impact is that the computations are approximately 10 times faster!
• The support for origin-destination matrices modification was added. Now, the new zone can be added and the demand in existing zone can be modified.
• The used technology was completely changed. The REST API is build using Spring Boot. The dependence to Spark JobServer was removed. The API is full compatible with previous

• The cost of turning movement can be set.
node_id | from_edge_id | to_edge_id | cost |
1 | 1 | 5 | 20s |
1 | 1 | 3 | 40s |

More than 4000 lines of code was added compare to previous version.
The major part of code in this release was written by Tomáš Potužák. Thank you very much!